May 21st, 2014 Updates

May 21, 2014

Remember to check out our county website at!

In this Issue: 

1. All-Star Project This Weekend- Donate Blood!

2. All-Star Project June 7th- Horsey Fun Day!

3. Council Officers Needed! Position Descriptions Below!

4. Missing Poster from Centennial Celebration

5. Santa Cruz County 4H Spring Fair Horseshow

6. Livestock Tagging Dates for The San Benito County Fair

7. Letter of Intent

1. All-Star Project This Weekend- Donate Blood! Save a Life!

Please come out to support one of our All-Stars for the 2014-15 program year by donating blood and saving a life!

Check out the poster attached below for more information.

Location: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints in the Cultural Hall1670 Cienega Rd. – Hollister

Date : Saturday, May 24, 2014

Time: 9:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.

To schedule your appointment, please log on to, enter the Sponsor Code: HOLLISTER or call 1-800-RED CROSS (1-800-733-2767)

2. All-Star Project June 7th! 

What: Christina Bless' All-Star Project
*Hosting an educational horsey fun day for students from Calaveras School.
When: Saturday, June 7th, 20141-5 PM.
Where: Dreamor Ranch, 80 Brown Road, San Juan Bautista, CA
You are invited to be a part of this opportunity to expose kids to new 4-H experiences that they otherwise may not have had. Horse experienced kids (ages 9+) can help with the horses.  But never fear, there is plenty to do for those without horse experience, including kid wrangling, snacks, and poster management, running horse trivia game. 
Adult volunteers are also needed as chaperones.

Please RSVP to Christina Bless at or (831) 635-0300.

3. Council Officers Needed

We are still looking for Council Officers for the 2014-15 program year. These volunteers are of vital importance to our program! Please remember that whether you have been in 4-H for one year or twenty; we are looking for a range of volunteers that can work together professionally to make the development and decision making process in our county smooth and effective. I would like to encourage both new and experienced volunteers to become involved in our council as it will benefit our program by providing a diverse set of experiences and viewpoints.

**If you might be interested in volunteering to be an officer but are unsure what each position does take a look at the description of each office which I have attached below.

If you have any questions about the election process or would like to volunteer

please call the office at 831-637-5346 ext 13 or email me at

4. Missing Poster

Thank you to everyone that volunteered for, or attended our centennial celebration last Thursday May 8th. It was great to see 4-H represent so many of our attendees! I has a wonderful time seeing the rabbits, goats, educational displays, and presentations that showcase the dedication of our members.

On a more serious note- There was, unfortunately, a poster belonging to Bill Coates that went missing during the celebration. The poster was created by Bills daughter and is therefore we would like to see it returned as soon as possible. The poster has a blue background and includes news articles about Bills work with Walnuts.

If you have any information on its whereabouts please call the office or Bill and Nancy.

Bill and Nancy: 831-637-0474

5. Santa Cruz County 4H Spring Fair Horseshow

It's time for the annual Santa Cruz County 4H Spring Fair Horseshow. Attached is the entry packet.  The show is on May 31st at the Santa Cruz County Fairgrounds. Come and join us for a day of fun and horsing around.

This is the last qualifying show for The California Classic and is also a qualifier for The State Fair “Best of Show”.

If you have any questions please contact: Sherry Barnard 831-728-8705 or Kathy Dotson 831-818-0631.

Kathy Dotson

Hope to see you there.

6. Livestock Tagging Dates for The San Benito County Fair

The San Benito County Fair is just around the corner.  Please take note for the livestock exhibitors that here are  following  Tagging Meeting dates for livestock to be shown at our fair.  No Exceptions.

Beef:  120 ownership.   Tag pick up San Benito County Fairgrounds May 6th 2014, Board Room at 6:00 pm. To 7:00 pm.  Tagging sheets and left over tags to be returned to San Benito county Fairgrounds no later than June 2nd 2014 at close of business 3:00 pm..  NO EXCEPTIONS.

Sheep, Goats, Swine  60 day ownership:  Tag pick up July 2nd 2014 at the San Benito County Fair Board Room from 6:00pm to 7:30 pm.  Tagging sheets and left over ear tags to be returned by July 31st 2014 at close of business 3:00 pm.  NO EXCEPTIONS.

7. Letter of Intent- Council Budget Planning Tool

Are you interested in attending educational conferences, like SLC and LCORT, during the next 4-H program year?

Council is starting to plan the budget for the 2014-15 year and we need your help!

Youth members and adult volunteers are encouraged to mark which events they might be interested in attending/chaperoning and return the letter of intent to the office before June 20th, 2014.

*See the attached Letter of Intent below or find it under the forms section of our county website!

As always please contact me with any questions or things you might like to add to the blog!


Brenna Johns