June 4th 2014 Updates

Jun 4, 2014

Remember to check out our county website at cesanbenito.ucanr.edu!

In this Issue: 

1. All-Star Project June 7th- Horsey Fun Day!

2. Record Book Workshop- June 10th!

3. Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor and 4-H Animal Biosecurity Positions Open

4. Council Officers Needed! Position Descriptions Below!

5. Livestock Tagging Dates for The San Benito County Fair

6. Travel Letter of Intent

1. All-Star Project June 7th! 

Hello all!  My All-Start project (hosting an educational horsey fun day for students from Calaveras) will be taking place THIS SATURDAY.  The event will be from 1-5, but volunteers are asked to be at Dreamor Ranch (80 Brown Road, San Juan Bautista) by 12:00 noon and should plan on staying until5:30 PM.  (If you can only stay for part of the day, that would still be very helpful.) 

We'll be bussing the kids up from Calaveras in two groups of 20 (the first group from 1:00-3:00 and the second group from 3:00 – 5:00).  When they arrive at the ranch, they will be split into two groups of 10.  One group will be taking pony rides, while the other group is looking at posters, doing trivia, watching a presentation, etc.  Then the two groups will be switched, so that everyone has a chance to do everything, before they're put back on the bus, and we repeat this schedule with the second group of twenty.

We currently need at least 2 more adult chaperones and at least 5 more horse experienced youth volunteers to help give pony rides to the students and handle the horses.  We also need several non-horse experienced volunteers to help in other areas.

Please RSVP to bless@razzolink.com or one of the phone numbers below by Thursday the 5th.

Thank you!  Sure hope you can be part of this great community outreach through 4-H.

~Christina Bless

2. Record Book Workshop June 10th!

Our 'hands on' record book workshop is next Tuesday, June 10 in the downstairs conference room of the Vets Building, 6:30PM

Bring a thumb drive to use one of our borrowed computers, or bring your own laptop with the record book forms already downloaded. We will not have internet access. Members will be able to bring questions, including formatting troubles, and start their forms right then.

Hint Hint!  The record book chair from each club might want to attend so that they can take helpful information back to their club!

3. Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor and 4-H Animal Biosecurity Positions Open

Hi All,

I have 2 things to share:

First, I am pleased to announce that the University of California Cooperative Extension is in active recruitment for the UCCE Area Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor.

Attached you will find the position vacancy announcement.  Please distribute far and wide to your contacts.

Second, also attached to this blog you will find the position vacancy announcement for the Tri-County 4-H Animal Bio-Security Program Representative position. Please assist me in promoting this opportunity by sharing it with your networks.

Please contact me if you have any questions.

Thanks in advance for your assistance.


4. Council Officers Needed

We are still looking for Council Officers for the 2014-15 program year. These volunteers are of vital importance to our program! Please remember that whether you have been in 4-H for one year or twenty; we are looking for a range of volunteers that can work together professionally to make the development and decision making process in our county smooth and effective. I would like to encourage both new and experienced volunteers to become involved in our council as it will benefit our program by providing a diverse set of experiences and viewpoints.

**If you might be interested in volunteering to be an officer but are unsure what each position does take a look at the description of each office which I have attached below.

If you have any questions about the election process or would like to volunteer

please call the office at 831-637-5346 ext 13 or email me at bnjohns@ucdavis.edu.

5. Livestock Tagging Dates for The San Benito County Fair

The San Benito County Fair is just around the corner.  Please take note for the livestock exhibitors that here are  following  Tagging Meeting dates for livestock to be shown at our fair.  No Exceptions.

Beef:  120 ownership.   Tag pick up San Benito County Fairgrounds May 6th 2014, Board Room at 6:00 pm. To 7:00 pm.  Tagging sheets and left over tags to be returned to San Benito county Fairgrounds no later than June 2nd 2014 at close of business 3:00 pm..  NO EXCEPTIONS.

Sheep, Goats, Swine  60 day ownership:  Tag pick up July 2nd 2014 at the San Benito County Fair Board Room from 6:00pm to 7:30 pm.  Tagging sheets and left over ear tags to be returned by July 31st 2014 at close of business 3:00 pm.  NO EXCEPTIONS.

6. Letter of Intent- Council Budget Planning Tool

Are you interested in attending educational conferences, like SLC and LCORT, during the next 4-H program year?

Council is starting to plan the budget for the 2014-15 year and we need your help!

Youth members and adult volunteers are encouraged to mark which events they might be interested in attending/chaperoning and return the letter of intent to the office before June 20th, 2014.

*Find it under the forms section of our county website cesanbenito.ucanr.edu!

As always please contact me with any questions or things you might like to add to the blog!


Brenna Johns


By Brenna Johns
Author - 4-H Program Representative

Attached Files: