August 8th, 2014

Aug 8, 2014

In this issue:

1. SLC Orientation- Mandatory

2. County Record Book Judging!

3. Special Office Hours- Wed Aug 13th

4. Kids at the Park

5. Revolution of Responsibility Project!

6. Emerald Star Project

7. National Night Out- Success!

8. National Youth Science Day- Rockets to the Rescue!

9. New Council Officers

10. New Club- Welcome Pacheco!

11. New Comic Book Creation Project

12. Archery Storage Locker

13. Restarting Livestock Judging Project!

1. SLC Orientation- Mandatory for All Members/Chaperones attending SLC

Date: Sunday August 10th

Time: 3pm-4pm

Location: 3228 Southside Rd Hollister Ca 95023

Should I bring anything?- If you selected tours at an additional cost, t-shirts, parking passes, etc. Please remember to bring a check for your fees that are not covered by council.

***We are still looking for 1 Male Chaperone so that the male youth participants can attend! I you are interested please contact Brenna at 831-637-5346 ext 13 and/or attend the meeting on sunday to find me!***

2. County Record Book Judging!

Date: Monday August 11th

Time: 7pm- until finished

Location: Vets Building in Hollister

Please remember that every club should supply 1 judge for every three books they sent for judging. Both adults and Senior members are welcome to participate in the judging- keep in mind the more judges we have the faster the books get done!

Also if you have a record book manual or events quick guide it would be a good idea to bring it to answer any questions and to share with your fellow judges.

**I will be in the office on Monday from 2-5pm for any record book corrections that still need to be turned in**

3.  Special Office Hours- Kids at the Park

On Wednesday August 13th the office will not be open until 1pm. I will be attending the Kids at the Park event to help represent 4-H! 

Please feel free to come on by and check out Sarahs booth and soak up the sun!

4. Kids at the Park

Date: August 13th 

Location: Dunn Park

Time: 10am-2pm

This is a another great event in our community which Sarah  has offered to lead as a part of her Emerald Star Project! There will be fun and games and maybe even some education too! 

Feel free to attend and spend some time in the sunshine or even contribute to your clubs annual outreach by volunteering for part or all of the event!

If you are interested in volunteering and helping out with this fun day in the sun please contact Sarah at 831-245-9614.

5. Revolution of Responsibility Project- Check out the flyer!

Come by the office to donate gently used sports equipment that can be used by our local afterschool programs!

6. Emerald Star Project- Check out the flyer!

Confused by Star Rankings? No Problem! Attend this information session and absorb as much as you can!


7. National Night Out- Thank you to All-Stars and Volunteers!

I would like to thank our All-Stars- Christina and Adrianna- and all of our other volunteers for making our booth a success on Tuesday night!

I was great to see the youth engage with our 4-Hers and try their hand at a bean bag toss- what a great idea!

p.s. if you volunteered or participated in the planning of our booth dont forget to claim this for credit in next years record book! hint hint!

8. National Youth Science Day- Rockets to the Rescue!

Don't know what National Youth Science Day is? Wonder what activities we will be doing? Check out the website!

We are looking for a few more volunteers to help facilitate this fun event in our county! We would like both youth and adults to help and we will provide an orientation on the activities that will happen at the event.

Tentative Orientation Information:

Date: August 23rd 

Location: Bolado Park

Please keep in mind that if you have never lead a project this would be a great way to get some experience with lots of support!

Please contact the office if you are interested!

9. New Council Officers!

Thank you so much to our outgoing Council officers!

President- Mike Mansmith

Vice President-Lisa Tobias

Secretary- Shelley Bettencourt and Judi Johnson

Treasurer- Darcy Rodriguez

Reporter- Raylene Rogers

And Congratulations to our incoming Officers!

President- Brent Shepard

Vice President- Susan Stricker

Secretary- Judi Johnson

Treasurer- Lois Pape

Reporter- Alicia Liddle


10. Officially Welcoming Pacheco 4-H Club!

I would like to officially announce that we have reopened the Pacheco 4-H Club! Our new club in excited to start off the new year and expand their membership!

Pacheco has given me a list of the projects that they plan to have and I have included it below:

 -Leadership (9yo+up) 
-Comic Book Creation
-Outdoor Adventure
-Rifle Shooting Sports (10yo+up)
-Horse & Pony (9yo+up)
-Beginning Geo Caching
-Foods & Nutrition

If you are interested in joining Pacheco 4-H please contact Susan Stricker


Have you ever wanted to create your own comic book?  Well, in this project you can!  We'll be covering all aspects of comic creation, and by the end of the project, you'll have made your own comics.  There is a $35 project fee, due at the first meeting, to cover books (that the project will share) and starting  materials, but you can come to the first one to see if it's what you want to do for sure before you pay the fee.  If you saw Christina Bless' presentation at any of the Presentation Days, you'll have an idea of what will be covered and the final product.

This is a county-wide project, so we've been told you don't have to do a transfer form; you can just put it on your enrollment form as you're enrolling in projects right now.  If you have any questions, please feel free to give us a call at the numbers below.

Come jump into the amazing world of comic book creation!

Dena & Christina Bless (Pacheco 4-H)

(831) 635-0300 – home

(831) 801-4818 – Dena's cell

12. Archery Storage Locker

Project leader looking for a full sized gym locker to store project materials!

I am looking for a more secure way of storing the Archery equipment. If you have any ideas or know of any place that sounds secure please let me know.


Nick Peters

Paicines Clover Archery Leader

13.  New Livestock Judging Project!

The livestock judging project is now going to be restarting and will be available to the whole county!

If you are interested in joining or would like more information please contact Stephanie Churchill-Gross via text call or email. Cell 831 524 1005 or

As always please let me now if there is something that you would like to see on the blog.

Questions? Contact the office at 831-637-5346 ext 13


Brenna Johns

By Brenna Johns
Author - 4-H Program Representative

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