Prescribed Fire Meeting - March 13 at Hollister Vets Building

Feb 27, 2019

Save the Date:  March 13th for Prescribed Fire Meeting hosted by the San Benito Working Landscapes Group and UC Cooperative Extension

Throughout California, prescribed burning is being reexamined as a way to prevent catastrophic fires while also improving grasslands for livestock and wildlife.  Join the San Benito Working Landscapes Group and UC Cooperative Extension Wednesday, March 13th from 2:30 to 4:30 pm at the Veterans Memorial Building in Hollister to learn about funding opportunities and other considerations for prescribed burns on San Benito rangelands.  Invited speakers (not yet confirmed) include: representatives from UC Cooperative Extension, CalFire, San Benito Firesafe Council, and Monterey Bay Air Resources District.  Interested ranchers, farmers, rural landowners, and agency or organization representatives are invited to attend.  Please contact  or call (831) 524-3816 for more information. 

By Devii R. Rao
Author - San Benito County Director and Area Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor