Aug 24, 2018 | View All Issues
Hello 4-H Families,
We have a 4-H council county meeting on Monday, August 27th, 7 pm at Vets Building.
We have attached the 4-H council agenda and June council minutes for you to review.
We have some important issues to discuss and vote on at the council meeting. We will be voting on the proposed increase cost of the pancake breakfast tickets to $10 and the split of profit between 4-H council and 4-H clubs.
We have Dara Tobias, San Benito Fair Manager coming to speak to the 4-H community about the fair and answer any questions.
We would also like to Welcome our new 4-H council officers"
We look forward to seeing you at the 4-H council meeting.
Last reminder the livestock exhibitor training is being held on Saturday at Bolado Park. If you have not attended the exhibitors training last year you will need to attend this meeting to be eligiable to show at the San Benito fair. If you have attend the training prior at Monterey or Santa Cruz fair this year you are good!
If you are showing at Santa Cruz County fair you will have to attend one of the 3 training that was offered by the fairs. Regardless if you have completed the livestock exhibitor training last year.
I would also suggest checking the fair book to answer any additional question on the livestock training questions. It will be listed online in the premium book under the livestock section.
Good Evening,
Julie Katawicz
4-H program rep
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