Apr 22, 2019 | View All Issues
Hello 4-H Community,
We are canceling the 4-H council and pancake breakfast meetings tonight. We do not have an officer quorum for the 4-H council meeting tonight.
We are moving the pancake breakfast and 4-H council meeting to next Monday, April 29th. We are sorry for the inconvenience but would appreciate every one attending the meetings next Monday. The pancake breakfast meeting is at 6 pm followed by 4-H council meeting at 7 pm in room 204 upstairs at Veterans Building.
We are have some very importation issues on the 4-H council agenda. Come be part of the discussion. We are sending you the agenda and March minutes & Program Fee proposal to review.
We have the extended the deadline to register for Disneyland Physics event to April 24th.
- We have room for more youth ages 7 to 19 to attend the event.
- We have 35 youth signed up - Register: https://ucanr.edu/survey/survey.cfm?surveynumber=26778.
- 4-H Council is paying 2 day pass & class fee $210 our 4-H members. See Survey for more details
Fashion Revue on May 2nd at Wizzard Cafe, 5 pm. Come join the fun and support the 4-H members participating while enjoying a nice dinner.
SLC (State Leadership conference) Open - Register for early bird registeration by May 7th. 4-H council pays registration but parents are responsible for transportation. https://ucanr.edu/sites/4hstateleadership/
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