Oct 21, 2019 | View All Issues
Dear 4-H Families,
We have two opportunities for 4-H outreach booth in November.
Red Ribbon Festival at Maze Middle School on November 2nd, 10 am to 2 pm
Set Up 9:30 am to tear down 2:30 pm
We are looking for 4-Her's and leaders to host a booth. I will be out of state, so I can provide an active for the booth, table clothes and 4-H information. We have one family that can participate for an hour but we will need more help! See attached flier.
Teknova Science Fair November 9th, 10 am to 2 pm at 2290 Bert Dr, Hollister.
We are looking for 4-Her's and leader to join me for this event. The 4-H office will provide active and 4-H information. We will start set up by 9:30 am and tear down about 2:30 pm.
Please email or call the 4-H office if you can participate in these events.
Thank you in advance, Julie Katawicz - 831-637-5346x13 or jkatawicz@ucanr.edu.
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