Aug 25, 2020 | View All Issues
Hello 4-H Families,
We understand many families are facing tough times this year. Our 4-H program staff and 4-H council are working on solving the funding issues for our 4-H program without added work to you. We have two amazing opportunities for fundraising.
We have the new 4-H Debit/Visa Card. You can help the 4-H program without spending any extra money. This is a win for our 4-H families and 4-H program. Anyone can sign up for this card. No credit check. We have more details on the program on front page of county 4-H website.
We also are teaming up with San Benito County Community Foundation on an auction in November.
Please see the attached letter on both these opportunities to help our 4-H program.
Thank you, Julie Katawicz 4-H Program Rep
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