Jul 13, 2022 | View All Issues
Dear 4-H families,
We have many new events for our 4-H families to attend coming up this month. We also have fair coming up in August, September and October so don't forget to enter your 4-H fair entries.
We also are bringing back the 4-H Open House event on August 13th. We look forward to everyone participating and helping to advertise on social media, word of mouth and invite a friend.
The 4-H enrollment will be opened by the state office on July 18th. If you are showing at the fair register for you attend fair by August 31st. We need all members to be enrolled in 4-H program and in good standing.
If you have any questions, regarding the 4-H program email or call the 4-H office at 831-205-3180.
Sincerely, Julie Katawicz 4-H program rep
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