Aug 4, 2022 | View All Issues
Hi Everyone,
This year we have designed t-shirts and sweatshirts for exhibitors and their families to purchase for the 2022 San Benito County Fair.
You can order your sweatshirt and/or t-shirt at the 4-H Open House event on Saturday, August 13th at the enrollment station. We have order forms. You will need to bring a check or exact cash. I will not have change for cash.
You may also order the sweatshirts and t-shirts by printing out the attached order form and mailing it with payment to the San Benito County 4-H office by August 25th.
4-H office address is 3228 Southside Rd, Hollister.
Office is only open on Wednesday from 8:30 am to 5 pm. You may drop off the order form and payment in an envelop in the drop box outside the conference room.
Orders will be available for pick up when families drop off their still exhibits.
Thank you for your support.
Sincerely, Wendy Abercrombie and Julie Katawicz
Download (412KB PDF)