San Benito County Livestock Pass Program Training - September 25

Sep 21, 2023

San Benito County Livestock Pass Program Training - September 25

Sep 21, 2023


The Livestock Pass Program allows for eligible San Benito County livestock producers access to their livestock in the event of a disaster such as flooding or wildfire. 

A holder of livestock pass may have access to a closed area during a disaster if granted by the incident commander, a law enforcement official or their designee.  Access to the ranch property is only for the purposes of sheltering, moving, transporting, evacuating, feeding, watering or administering veterinary care to livestock.

*Eligibility, must obtain or be able to present proof of at least one of the following:

  1. Commercial livestock producer
  2. Resident of San Benito County for at least part of the year
  3. Operator Identification Number issued by a County Agricultural Commissioner
  4. Assessor's Parcel Number confirming  agricultural zoning for the property upon which access is sought
  5. Agricultural land lease documentation
  6. Williamson Act enrollment  documentation
  7. Documentation from the USDA Farm Service Agency attesting that the applicant is a commercial livestock producer
  8. Current registration of a livestock brand with the Bureau of Livestock Identification; brand inspector may confirm eligibility based on number of cattle owned
  9. Letter of Authorization from ranch owner

Eligible candidates will need to attend a 4 hour fire safety workshop provided by Cal Fire.

The pass holder and ALL managerial employees must attend the training in order to be listed on the Livestock Pass. 


Click the link to see training details. San Benito County Livestock Pass Program Training Flyer

By Devii R Rao
Author - Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor, Sonoma and Marin Counties