San Benito County Wildfire Protection Plan Event on July 17, 2024

Jul 8, 2024

San Benito County Wildfire Protection Plan Event on July 17, 2024

Jul 8, 2024

Please join UCCE Fire Advisor Barb Satink Wolfson and a host of other partners to provide your input on a new San Benito County Community Wildfire Protection Plan.

Date: July 17, 2024

Time: 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm

Location: 549 Mission Vineyard Rd., San Juan Bautista

Cost: Free, dinner provided

Click here for a pdf version of flyer or scroll down for a photo of the meeting flyer.

For more background on the event, please read the summary below from Barb Satink Wolfson.

Wildfires play an important role in natural systems and cultural practices. They can benefit ecosystems by promoting forest regeneration, increasing nutrient cycling, and maintaining biodiversity. Indigenous communities have relied on wildfires as a management tool for millennia, intentionally setting controlled fires to shape landscapes, support ecological balance, and reduce the accumulation of flammable materials. Historically, San Benito ranching families used fire to improve throughout the County. Currently, however, wildfires can cause destruction and damage to ecosystems, people, and property. One of the most useful tools for collaborative wildfire prevention and response are Community Wildfire Protection Plans (CWPP). San Benito adopted its current CWPP in 2010. To develop an update to this plan, several partners have teamed together to identify the current needs and priorities of San Benito County.

A key element in the CWPP planning process is the discussion generated among community members regarding priorities for local fire protection and forest management. There will be a variety of community events to gather public feedback and discuss the updated CWPP. There is also an online survey available, which provides an opportunity to share community needs and priorities. The draft update will be available later in 2024 for public review and comment.

By Devii R Rao
Author - San Benito County Director and Area Livestock and Natural Resources Advisor

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