Jun 27, 2019 | View All Issues
Hello 4-H families,
We have some exciting events coming up and changes to our 4-H program. I would like to share with the 4-H community.
Enrollment fee changes. We voted at the council meeting on June 26, 2019 to increase the enrollment fees to help offset the additional cost of the program.
2019-2020 Approved Enrollment Fees:
New Youth Membership (regardless of date joined): $70.00
Adult Volunteer Membership (renewal or new): $24.00
Youth Membership Renewed between 7/1 – 8/31: $70.00
Youth Membership Renewed between 9/1 – 10/31: $80.00
Youth Membership Renewed after 10/31: $90.00
The 4-H office will help with the date of enrollment for fee process.
We have two ways to help with the increase of enrollment in our 4-H program.
We are offering prizes to the top three members that bring in new members into your 4-H club by December 31st!!
Second way to increase enrollment is the Open house and movie night. We need everyone helping to make this work.
We have a committee that has been hard at work on the 4-H Open House & Movie Night event. This idea came about to help show case the great benefits 4-H families provide the community.
Our goal is to increase our 4-H membership to help promote 4-H in our community. See the news letter
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